Modern Slavery Statement

Modern Slavery Statement

Our Organisation 

Forum Insurance started as, and still is a family run Independent Insurance Brokerage, registered in England and Wales. From its humble beginnings in a two-person office in North West London the company rapidly grew in its local insurance market. Today it offers first rate services and products from the Insurance sector, providing all types of General Insurance as well as specialist commercial products and packages. 

Forum Insurance’s initial service offering was based on, but not limited to personal lines insurance such as residential property owner’s insurance, personal contents insurance, private car insurance, and personal travel insurance. However, after establishing itself as a reputable local broker, the company started investing in and taking on board the knowledge and skills to offer commercial insurance and more specialist types of cover to the market. Supported by its local market and close-knit network of family, friends, and existing clients, Forum Insurance began writing more complex insurance risks such as retail insurance, manufacturers and wholesalers insurance, landlord’s insurance, motor trade and motor fleet insurance, offices and surgeries insurance, all types of liability insurance including but not limited to employers’ liability insurance, public liability insurance and professional indemnity insurance. 

Forum Insurance is a London Living Wage accredited employer and employs 11 people. 

More information regarding our governance framework can be found on our web page

Our Policies & Procedures 

We operate a number of policies and procedures which reflect our commitment to acting properly in all of our business relationships and to implementing and enforcing effective systems and controls. They apply to all our employees and to anyone engaged on a temporary basis. 

Our key policies and procedures which contribute to minimising the risk of modern slavery and human trafficking in our organisation and our supply chain include our: 

  • Bullying & harassment policy – which is designed to help ensure that all of our staff and anyone that we fund is treated with both dignity and respect.
  • Risk management policy – which is designed to keep all our activities in line with all applicable laws, regulations and codes of governance (including in relation to slavery and human trafficking).
  • Health, safety and environment policy – a key aim of which is to ensure the wellbeing of all our employees and anyone else who may be affected by our activities.
  • HR procedures – we check that all our staff have appropriate right to work documents and ensure that they are paid fairly and enjoy a competitive remuneration package.
  • Procurement policy – which sets out a number of factors to be considered when selecting our suppliers, including whether the supplier will be a good business partner for Forum Insurance. This in turn involves considerations of supplier reputation and compliance with laws and ethical procedures.
  • Agreements policy – our template agreements and standard terms and conditions require suppliers to comply with the law (including in relation to modern slavery and human trafficking).
  • Fraud and corruption policy – which reminds our people to take account of any improper or suspicious behaviour or situations and to report and deal with the risk of fraud and corruption.
  • Whistleblowing policy – which provides guidance on how to report suspected dangers or wrongdoing in the workplace. 

Our policies are monitored by a relevant policy owner within our organisation and reviewed at least every year. We will continue to review our policies to ensure that they are effective and appropriate. 

Our Supply Chain 

We use suppliers to support the operations of our organisation. The key areas in which we engage suppliers are: 

  • Finance and insurance services 

Our Supply Chain Due Diligence 

We have looked at all our suppliers and assessed our key suppliers in more detail to ensure that they have appropriate policies in place to minimise the risk of slavery and human trafficking in their business. Based on our review, we are satisfied that our key suppliers have appropriate policies in place. 

We also carry out due diligence checks on material suppliers and routinely monitor their compliance with applicable law (including in relation to slavery and human trafficking) as well as certain ‘key performance indicators’ such as training and paying the London Living Wage or the National Living Wage. Due diligence and monitoring are ongoing and under review to improve supplier vetting and to further minimise a range of risks, including slavery and human trafficking. This is being led by our procurement team, assisted by our legal team. Our procurement team is also looking to foster long-term relationships with suppliers, through which policies aimed at minimising a range of risks (including the risk of slavery and human trafficking) can be advanced.


We try to ensure that adequate information and training is provided to all our employees, contractors or visitors on all relevant matters. Here are some examples of the information and training we provide: 

All new joiners attend an induction session which includes information and training on our policies. 

Our managers are provided with a range of leadership training and are assisted by our HR team in HR related matters including in relation to recruitment, remuneration and employee wellbeing.


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