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    Property and Landlords Insurance

    If you’re new to the construction business, then your head must be spinning with all these insurance policies you’ve got to take care of. Among all this, it’s very easy to overlook one of the most important yet commonly overlooked insurance type: Property Insurance. Whether it’s an unoccupied building that you’ve gotten your hands on or a property that’s still in the construction stages, preparing for the right type of property insurance is key – and that’s separate from any other policies that you might have taken out. 


    Additionally, if you have a property where you play the role of a landlord, then that’s another policy for you to take up. Landlords Insurance typically covers the following areas:


    • Perils of Building
    • Loss of Rent 
    • Contents
    • Subsidence
    • Malicious Damage
    • Rental Guarantee
    • Boiler Breakdown
    • And Much More! 


    So, whether you’re a landlord or simply have a property lying about, it’s of the essence that you get it insured under the right policy if things are to work in your favour. Trust us; you’ll thank us later!

    The Property Insurance Process

    The Situations of Property Insurance

    Property Insurance spans a number of different types, with each serving a different purpose. Some of the most common categorisations include:


    • Unoccupied Property Awaiting Sale
    • Unoccupied Awaiting Tenants


    When taking up an insurance policy, it’s important to get the right one, and this can be difficult if you aren’t aware of regulations. But that’s exactly what our Forum Insurance team is here for, so, there’s no need to worry.

    Why Landlords Insurance is a Must

    One of the major subsections of Property Insurance is Landlords Insurance, which, as the name suggests, is for individuals fulfilling the role of a landlord. Whether your property is an investment safekeeping or a steady source of rent, we’ll help you find the policy that suits you best!

    The Benefits

    You must be asking yourself: why do I need to get Property or Landlords Insurance? Why, for the countless benefits, of course! Depending on the level of insurance you opt for, your policy will give you many advantages. The most popular levels include:


    • FLEEA
    • Level 2
    • Level 3


    While FLEEA covers a property for fire, earthquake, lightning, earthquake aircraft, and explosion related damage, Level 2 coverage provides protection against water and subsidence in addition to the existing FLEEA areas. The last type of coverage, which is Level 3, covers a property for all sorts of damage, that is, everything is included!

    Your Helping Hand

    That was a lot to take in, wasn’t it? Don’t worry; we’re here to help. At Forum Insurance, we have over thirty years’ worth of experience, making our services unmatchable and our prices unquotable! So, what are you waiting for? Pick up the phone and give us a call today at 0208 909 2899.


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