Non-profit Organisation Insurance

Non-profit Organisation Insurance To Rely On

From charities to community clubs and societies, there is a lot that goes into running a non-profit organisation. To help ease the pressure, our team of specialised insurance experts can assist you by ensuring that you are properly managing your risk and remain protected from unforeseen incidents. Some common risks our non-profit clients in the UK seek protection from are:

  • Volunteers injured during work shifts
  • Donors injured at a fundraising event
  • Trustee is accused of negligence
  • Donors’ private information is hacked and lost
  • An employee claims negligence against the non-profit

Avoid the stress, reputational, and financial damage when our team provides you with a comprehensive and tailored insurance programme for your non-profit. We first understand the unique circumstances and needs of your non-profit and then search among our network A-rated insurers for the best value solution at an affordable price that meets your budget requirements. A common insurance programme for a non-profit will include public liability, employers’ liability, trustee liability, and cyber & data insurance.

Who Needs Non-profit Organisation Insurance?

Understanding what you need can be confusing. To help simplify the process, our friendly insurance team provides answers to your most pressing questions and offers insights into how a comprehensive policy can help your organisation.


We offer competitive rates for comprehensive charities insurance policies, and bespoke options are available too.

Charities insurance covers you in case of the unexpected. Avoid expenses, as well as damage to your reputation, by insuring your non-profit.

We provide charities insurance for a range of local organisations. If you have volunteers or employees working for you, then you will need to have at least employers’ liability insurance. Also worth considering having are public liability and trustee liability insurance, as discussed below.

Our Approach Is Different Than The Others

Our charities insurance includes a number of different policies bundled into one convenient policy with one renewal date. It combines public liability, trustee liability, and employers’ liability.

Public liability insurance applies to any work you do with people. It provides protection from claims from members of the public relating to an injury or property damage because of your services or the actions of an employee. The compensation and legal expenses are covered by proper insurance.

I๏ปฟf your charity has trustees, then you will also need trustee insurance. It protects you from legal action or claims for compensation if you or someone in your organisation makes a mistake, or if someone feels your organisation has led to a loss for them in some way.

Employers’ liability is required for a range of businesses, including non-profit organisations. It is designed to cover legal and compensation expenses if an employee claims they were injured because of their job. Without proper insurance, you might face legal action.

You also may need motor insurance and insurance for your building and its contents. Our friendly brokers can help you decide exactly what you require for the best coverage at an affordable rate.

When there is a claim, we will be there to help you. Get the comprehensive cover you need, all in one document with one renewal. Knowing you have the necessary protection can provide incredible peace of mind.

Experienced Insurance Brokers Who Want To Help

We understand the vital role your organisation has in the lives of others, from employees to volunteers and the public that you support. It’s easy to get caught up in everyday operations and fulfilling your mission, which is admirable, but what if the unexpected happens?


Your charity brings people together, and having the insurance needed to keep the operations going will be for the benefit of everyone involved.

Competitive rates are available, and only a phone call away. Our friendly team can provide you with a quote quickly, based on your unique organisation. We consider your primary location, number of employees, and other factors when creating a custom package to protect you fully.

Even with the best of intentions, mistakes can happen, and blame can wrongly be put on you. Let our experienced insurance team create a bespoke package that meets your needs fully in case of an unfortunate event.

More About Non-profit Requirements

It’s important to be following the rules as a non-profit. Thus, you must meet health and safety regulations and pass risk assessments. Furthermore, if you work with kids or vulnerable adults, then you must conduct DBS checks on your staff (paid and volunteer). Once these things are established, you are ready to get a comprehensive charities insurance package.

In addition to charities in the UK, we also are happy to help community groups, clubs, societies, and faith organisations. The causes that you put forward are noble ones, and it is our privilege to help you.

Avoid Financial Damage

While you might not expect it, claims from within and outside of your non-profit can happen. Common examples are a customer injury or a negligence claim filed by an employee.

If you have volunteers but do not have the associated insurance, now is the time to get it. This cover is included in comprehensive non-profit organisation insurance. While they generally are productive and beneficial, volunteers carry risks similar to employed staff. Thus, ensure you have the needed protection.

R๏ปฟunning an important organisation like yours can be life-changing for many people, so it is important to keep it going and safeguard against risks associated with its operations. Put plans in place to do so by ensuring you have the proper insurance to deal with the unexpected and continue to do meaningful work.

We work with small and large charities, businesses, and non-profits in the UK. Protecting you from injury and damage is our priority, no matter what size they are.

If you need a quote right away, we can do so. Once you have protection, you have the peace of mind of knowing you have reliable cover at a competitive premium for events and other activities.

What Non-profit Organisation Insurance Do You Need?

There is always a risk to carry, but you are not alone and can have proper protection against it. A dedicated insurance broker will handle your account and answer any questions, as well as making sure your package includes everything you want.

Whether your organisation is at fault or not, it can have claims made against it. From unhappy users of your services to an injury to a member of the public, there are many events that can be safeguarded against.

F๏ปฟurthermore, if there are technical issues, such as a piece of equipment breaking or a break-in to the office, you may have to delay or even cancel appointments. If so, the comprehensive insurance that you have secured already will cover the costs or replacements to help you resume normal operations. Otherwise, you face large monetary costs and risk damaging your reputation.

Get the proper cover by speaking with an experienced insurance agent who will ask the right questions to create a policy package that fully protects you. Bespoke solutions for available for small and large charities and organisations with different charity insurance requirements. That way, you know if something goes wrong that you won’t face a devastating loss that could mean the end of the organisation that you have worked so hard to create.

Connect With Our Expert Team

With over 30 years of experience finding the most comprehensive insurance solution at a competitive price and with our network of A-rated insurers, we secure you the best possible option in the insurance market so that you can feel peace of mind within a budget. Let’s keep your non-profit protected, no matter what.


Call us today to get a quote for insurance to cover your organisation and its activities. Protecting your charity or non-profit organisation, staff, and assets start today. Know that you can continue the great work you’re doing even when something goes wrong.


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