JCT 6.5.1 Insurance

Comprehensive Insurance for JCT Clause 6.5.1

JCT 6.5.1 Insurance is a specific type of insurance policy commonly used in the construction and contractors industry. JCT stands for Joint Contracts Tribunal, which is a widely recognized organisation that produces standard forms of contract for construction projects in the UK. 6.5.1 refers to a specific clause in a JCT contract which covers non-negligence issues.

What is JCT 6.5.1 Insurance?

JCT 6.5.1 insurance, also known as non-negligence insurance, is specifically designed for situations where construction is ongoing and a non-negligent incident arises. It provides coverage for incidents that cannot be attributed to any specific individual due to their inherent nature. This means that even if the contractor followed all procedures perfectly, unforeseen losses or damages may still occur. JCT 6.5.1 insurance can be part of a wider JCT insurance policy, or cover in its own right.

Cover can also include non-negligence issues that affect neighbouring properties as a result of your construction work. The most common example of this is when a neighbouring property in a commercial building, block of flats, semi-detached or terraced house is damaged when works are being carried out, even if the builder did nothing wrong.

What Can JCT 6.5.1 Insurance Cover?

We offer JCT 6.5.1 insurance to provide protection against an employer’s liability for expense, liability, loss, claims or proceedings that arise due to non-negligent damage to property (other than the contract works) while undertaking a building contract.

This could be due to:

  • Collapse
  • Subsidence
  • Heave
  • Vibration
  • Weakening or removal of support
  • Lowering of groundwater

The Benefits of JCT 6.5.1 Insurance

The biggest benefit of having JCT 6.5.1 insurance is that you’re covered in the instance that non-negligent damage occurs. Because it’s non-negligent, not having cover could lead you to paying tens of thousands of pounds out of your pocket, risking not just the current project, but your whole construction business too.

The best way to examine the benefits of having insurance for JCT clause 6.5.1 is by looking at a case study:

A contractor was undertaking demolition and refurbishment works at three 18th century properties. Two of these were to be demolished and rebuilt, while the third was to be underpinned and refurbished. A JCT 6.5.1 insurance policy was issued in the name of both the employer and contractor. 

In the property being refurbished, plaster was removed from a section of brickwork and shortly after this, a section of brickwork fell out of the chimney. Cracks developed, and after two weeks, damage was at such a level that a dangerous structure notice was served, resulting in a requirement for demolition of the property.

The advice of expert engineers was sought, and the opinion was that collapse was inevitable, although this could not have been reasonably foreseen. Therefore, indemnity was provided under the JCT 6.5.1 policy.

The total claim payment was £993,903 including £7,402 expenses. The damages included £500,000 for demolition work and £393,000 building work.

At Forum Insurance, we can work with you to create a JCT 6.5.1 insurance policy which includes the right level for cover for your construction project. Contact us today for your quote. We also offer comprehensive JCT insurance cover, as well as a range of policies for the construction sector. They include contractors combined, legal indemnity, self build and property owners insurance.


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